About the Owners

  Meet The Owners:
Thank you for taking the time to stop by our website. We are Nathan & Heather Lavigne.
Husband and Wife, Dad and Mom, Business Owners.
Woodworking and Designing is a hobby we have both been passionate about our entire lives.
Once we got married and decided to start working as a team - our passion grew and it became clear to us that not only was this hobby something we enjoyed doing but it is our purpose.
We hope that our three sons seeing mom and dad working in the shop along side one another encourages them as they grow to become inspired and creative, and know they too can do whatever it is they set their minds to.

We are still growing in this journey, and we invite you to grow along with us.
As a friend. As a customer. As Family.

We thank each and everyone of you for your support and your love,
God Bless.
Nathan & Heather Lavigne.
